Wesley United Methodist ChurchNew Member Information Name * First Name Last Name Gender * Male Female Other Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Home Phone (###) ### #### Work Phone (###) ### #### Cell Phone (###) ### #### Church Baptized If applicable Date of Baptism As close as possible MM DD YYYY Church Confirmed If applicable Date of Confirmation As close as possible MM DD YYYY Previous Church Membership Name of Church & City Experience Serving the Church Your talents Your interests/passions Your Occupation/Trade Past or present Employment Status Employed Unemployed Retired Other Possible ministry areas you'd like to serve Family Information Name, relationship, date of birth Relationship Status Single Engaged Married Partnered Separated Divorced Widowed Other If Married, Wedding Anniversary Date MM DD YYYY Active Social Media Platorms How did you learn about Wesley Church? Why do you want to join Wesley Church? Do you have any prayer requests for the Pastor? Would you like to join the Wesley Prayer Chain? Receiving emails for special prayer requests within the community Yes No Any additional comments? Thank you!