Small Groups

  • Our Small Group Ministries will embark on a Lenten journey through the gospel using The Final Days by Matt Rawle. The book is available for $10 through Michelle Biggs, Chair of the Nurturing Committee.

    Groups Available:

    Celis Benko – Thursdays 7:30pm TBD (Zoom)

    Chris Sienkielewski – Sundays 12:15pm Feb. 16 (Church Library)

    Dale Brown – Sundays 12:15pm March 2nd (Aldersgate Room)

    Michelle Biggs – 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:30pm Jan. 2nd (Zoom)

    Pastor Jisun – Tuesdays 9:00am March 4th (Hybrid)

    Pastor Jisun’s New Group – Mondays 7:00pm March 3rd (Hybrid)

    Signup Link:

  • Sunday Group -

    Leader: Dale Brown (Aldersgate Room at 12:15 pm)

    Tuesday Group -

    Leader: Pastor Jisun Nam (Aldersgate Room and Zoom at 9:00 am)

    Leader: Chris S. & Angel P. (Dottie Harding’s House at 7:00 pm)

    Leader: Michelle Biggs (1st and 3rd Tuesday Only, Zoom at 7:30 pm)

    Thursday Group -

    Leader: Celis Benko (Zoom at 7:30 pm)

  • Sandwich Ministry -

    Leader: Sharon Ziobro (2nd and 4th Monday Only, Sandwich Room at 7:00 pm)

    Knit and Kneel -

    Leader: Trish B. & Laura L. (Every Thursday, Susanna’s Room at 10:00 am)

  • Village Fellowship -

    Leader: Kate Lue (for parents with children under 16, quarterly meeting)


We are convinced that the Christian life is better when we live it together.
Small Groups is where we grow in and become like Christ.