“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:35
We believe God calls each of us to change the world for the better! At Wesley, we don’t sit on the sidelines. We get out of our seats and into the streets to care for our neighbors. Join a community outreach and serve the hungry and homeless in NJ. Or go global and help with Nyagidha Education Center in Kenya on the other side of the world.
You are invited to make an impact!
Ending Local Hunger.
We are big on feeding people. We collect food for South Plainfield Social Services and partner with New Dover UMC in Edison to make hundreds of sandwiches and collect food for St. Joseph's Food Distribution Center in Elizabeth every Friday.
For more information, click here. To join the team or arrange drop offs through Wesley Church, please contact Connie Palmer.
We delivered more than 100,000 sandwiches
since the pandemic.
Books and Bricks for Nyagidha.
Wesley Church has partnered with Nyagidha Education Center in Kenya to bring new hope to a rising generation of Kenyans.
In 2007, Wesley Church has provided water tanks for the community and helped establish a Child Care Center that soon expanded to a school that now serves to educate hundreds of students. Education is the number-one way to break the cycle of poverty and bring lasting change in a community - and the Nyagidha Education Center has done just that.
For more information, reach out to our Mission Coordinator by clicking here.