We are Worshiping in-person & online!

Sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am

Wesley United Methodist Church is a vibrant multicultural and multigenerational worshipping faith community
in South Plainfield, NJ with a genuine welcome. 
We are more than a church — we are a family. 

Visit in Person Worship Online @10:30am

Our Latest Message:

The greatest purpose in your life is to KNOW God,
GROW together, and SERVE the world —

and we believe if more people live into this, it would transform the world.

  • We get to KNOW GOD through engaging in weekly worship;

  • We GROW TOGETHER through engaging in small groups;


Missed a sermon or want to watch it again? All of the latest sermons and full online services of Wesley Church are available here.

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We are convinced that the Christian life is better when we live it together. Join a small group now and begin to grow in and become like Christ.

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In the midst of a crisis, the Church must take action and reach out to those hurting around us. Learn how you can receive the help you need or give help to serve others.

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