We are Worshiping in-person & online!
Sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am
Wesley United Methodist Church is a vibrant multicultural and multigenerational worshipping faith community
in South Plainfield, NJ with a genuine welcome.
We are more than a church — we are a family.
Visit in Person Worship Online @10:30am
Our Latest Message:
The greatest purpose in your life is to KNOW God,
GROW together, and SERVE the world —
and we believe if more people live into this, it would transform the world.
We get to KNOW GOD through engaging in weekly worship;
We GROW TOGETHER through engaging in small groups;
And we SERVE THE WORLD through various local and global mission opportunities.
Missed a sermon or want to watch it again? All of the latest sermons and full online services of Wesley Church are available here.
We are convinced that the Christian life is better when we live it together. Join a small group now and begin to grow in and become like Christ.
In the midst of a crisis, the Church must take action and reach out to those hurting around us. Learn how you can receive the help you need or give help to serve others.